Nina is a long haired Chihuahua and nearly one year old - still only a puppy.
I was walking through the Gallery of the Winter Sporting in Casino Square and noticed a vernissage taking place in this beautiful art gallery. One of the owner's assistants kindly invited me in and put a glass of vin rosé in my hand. The vernissage was for two talented artists, one a sculptor and the other a photographer - yes, I know I should have taken note of names but put a glass of wine in my hand and give me a dog to photograph and that's it!
You'll see another photograph of Nina on Monte Carlo Daily Photo today (second photo).
Good Morning, Jilly!
The minute I pulled up this photo, my wife fell in love, and so did I. What a beautiful shot of a gorgeously cute dog... and that tongue! We want to hold and squeeze that irresistible little Nina!!
David (and Dawn)
Finally, a Papillon!
Hi Jilly, thank for pointing out the Papillon links on your sidebar. I noticed that one of them is 10 years old. Angelina, my Pap, is 11 and still thinks she's a puppy.
Talking about "dog friendly places" - every Saturday Angelina eats out at a nice Italian restaurant in town. She is welcomed by the boss, all the staff (they treat her like a movie star)!
What a cutie, and that tongue!
When I saw the photo I thought instantly of the Abba song "Nina Pretty Ballerina"
She is too!
Too cute ! Pink necklace, pink tongue... and I'll bet if we could see more of the owner's face, we might see the sort of strong resemblance that often occurs between dogs and their people...
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